1701 S. Hope St.
Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 243-9575

Whether you have a child who is just starting Pre-Kindergarten or their senior year in high school, we hope that the resources on this page will assist you in providing a smooth transition for them. Be sure to check the other sections of the Jackson R-2 Schools website for district news and information.

To enroll a student in Jackson R-2 Public Schools, you must reside within the district boundaries. To verify if you live in the Jackson R-2 District, and to verify which elementary school attendance area you live in, you will use our InfoFinder website. Simply enter your address and zip code, and for Grade Level leave it as "All Grades and Schools". If your attendance area result is Millersville, then your child will attend Millersville for grades K-2, then West Lane for grades 3-4. If your result is Gordonville, then your child will attend Gordonville for grades K-2, then South for grades 3-4. All other elementary school results are for grades K-4.

Pre-Kindergarten Students

Pre-school is available for children that live in the Jackson R-2 school district and will be age 3 by August 1. We currently have a waiting list that you may have your child added to at any time. If you have a pre-school age child, please email the registrar at [email protected] or call 573-243-5347 to be put on the waiting list. We will need your child's name and birthdate, parents' name(s), address, phone number, and any developmental concerns you might have with your child.

Kindergarten Students
Open enrollment for Kindergarten students for the upcoming 24/25 school year will be March 7, 2024.  You will go to the elementary school building for the attendance area in which you live.  If you missed the open enrollment date or for more information on kindergarten enrollment, click here.

Kdg - 12th grade Students

If you have a NEW student(s) that you wish to start in the current 24/25 school year, click here to submit your student's information for enrollment. 

Useful Links

The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.