1701 S. Hope St.
Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 243-9575

Have a question?

Fill out this simple contact form. To contact a specific teacher or administrator, please use their contact information on their respective school staff page.

Please do not include any sensitive information such as social security numbers or student ID numbers as this form is not a secured transmission.

District Main Office: 573-243-9501
Senior High: 573-243-9513
Junior High: 573-243-9533
Middle School: 573-243-9543
South Elementary: 573-243-9575
North Elementary: 573-243-9590
West Lane Elementary: 573-243-9565
East Elementary: 573-243-5271
Orchard Drive Elementary: 573-243-9555
Millersville Elementary: 573-243-9585
Gordonville Elementary: 573-243-9580
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Your email:
Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Department you are contacting:
Preferred method of contacting you:
EmailPrimary PhoneSecondary Phone

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The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.