South Elementary Physical Education classes are student centered and goal driven. The students will participate in a variety of different activities. As a PE program at South we strive to develop skills that the students can use to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our Physical Education program strives to reach out to all individuals and impact all the students in our school. We have developed an age appropriate curriculum that encompasses manipulative and locomotive skills.
Manipulative skills are skills in which we use equipment such as sports balls (to throw and kick), jump ropes, hula hoops, scooters, racquets, etc.
Locomotive skills are skills such as walking, running, skipping, hopping, jumping, sliding, galloping and leaping.
These skills will be taught on an individual level and then in a team or game like setting for practice. Not only will the students learn physical activities and movements, but they will be taught teamwork, dedication, hard work, and social skills. It is the goal of the program to promote physical activity and grow the young student body into the leaders of tomorrow.
I am looking forward to the development of your student in the physical education classroom.
Derek Sievers -Physical Education Teacher
And Forever Go Blue!